A Ternary Fuzzy Extractor For Efficient Cryptographic Key Generation

A Ternary Fuzzy Extractor For Efficient Cryptographic Key Generation Average ratng: 7,9/10 5426 reviews
  1. A Ternary Fuzzy Extractor For Efficient Cryptographic Key Generation System
  2. A Ternary Fuzzy Extractor For Efficient Cryptographic Key Generation 10
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A Ternary Fuzzy Extractor For Efficient Cryptographic Key Generation System

A ternary fuzzy extractor for efficient cryptographic key generation 2

A Ternary Fuzzy Extractor For Efficient Cryptographic Key Generation 10

The polynomial is evaluated for different values of a set of features of the biometric data. So Fuzzy commitment and Fuzzy Vault were per-cursor to Fuzzy extractors. Fuzzy extractor is a biometric tool to authenticate a user using its own biometric template as a key. Abstract—The procedure for extracting a cryptographic key from noisy sources, such as biometrics and Physically Un- cloneable Functions (PUFs), is known as Fuzzy Extractor (FE). Wpa2-psk pre-shared key generator. Although FE constructions deal with discrete sources, most noisy sources are continuous. Fuzzy extractors are a method that allows biometric data to be used as inputs to standard cryptographic techniques for security. 'Fuzzy', in this context, refers to the fact that the fixed values required for cryptography will be extracted from values close to but not identical to the original key, without compromising the security required. May 20, 2019  A Ternary Fuzzy Extractor for Efficient Cryptographic Key Generation Kohei Kazumori, Rei Ueno, and Naofumi Homma: Design of Quad-Edge-Triggered Sequential Logic Circuits for Ternary Logic Sunmean Kim, Sung-Yun Lee, Sunghye Park, and Seokhyeong Kang: Threshold Physical Unclonable Functions Felipe Marranghello, Yang Yu, and Elena Dubrova. Here, we propose a secret key generation scheme using ternary ReRAM-based PUFs, to generate unique keys from noisy PUFs’ data by using less helper data compared to previously proposed schemes. A fuzzy extractor using a serial concatenation of BCH and polar codes is designed to generate the Secret Key and Helper Data. Feb 24, 2020  Early efficient implementations of fuzzy extractors on FPGA for PUF key generation. Maes, R., Tuyls, P. & Verbauwhede, I. An efficient reliable PUF-based cryptographic key. Minecraft free download unblocked mac.